Temporary Public Art Initiative

First launched in 2020, the annual initiative for early-career artists invited students and alumni to take part in the Temporary Public Art open call. Each year, after a rigorous review process, artists were selected and then commissioned to bring their proposals to life. Culminating in the fabrication and installation of the selected works. Explore the list below to learn more about works created by artists selected in previous years.

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In the spring of 2023 led by our Public Art team invited students and alumni to propose a temporary artwork to be commissioned and installed with the support of Qatar Museums. The selected artists were Doaa Eman and Ibrahim El Kilani.


A fall 2022 initiative led by our Public Art team invited students and alumni to propose a permanent or temporary artwork to be commissioned and installed with the support of Qatar Museums. The selected artists were Aisha Al-Abdulla, Zeest Marrium and Maryam Al-Tajer.


The theme of the 2021 student initiative as “Reduce, Re-use, Recycle.” Applicants were invited to create new artworks using recycled materials, in honour of Qatar Museums' commitment to sustainability.

The artists selected were Alanoud Al-Ghamdi, Johaina Al Ahmad and Nada Elkharashi.


For the first annual Public Art Student Competition, seven artworks were selected, by student artists enrolled in universities across Qatar Foundation, including Virginia Commonwealth University, Weill Cornell Medicine and Qatar University. The selected works were on view in Crescent Park within Lusail City from 28 March until 30 April 2020.