Muhammad Ali was arguably, the finest athlete of the twentieth century and incontestably one of the most famous Americans of his time. However, Ali was not only known for his boxing prowess but for his rebellious courage and resilience against controversy. Both underdog and champion, villain and prince, exalted American and punished conscientious objector, the late boxer was the ultimate athlete. After a decades-long battle against Parkinson’s disease, Ali died on 3 June 2016, at the age of 74.
A one-of-a-kind volume, The Muhammad Ali Readercollects more than thirty of the best writings about this boxing legend in an incredible anthology by the greatest about The Greatest.
This is the amazing story of Muhammad Ali —and the world's reaction to him — told by a stellar array of authors, athletes, and social commentators. Floyd Patterson defends Ali's right to criticise America's participation in the Vietnam War; Malcolm X explains how Ali went from "entertainer" to "threat" with his declaration as "a man of race"; and Gay Talese gives us a front seat on a ride to Cuba, where Ali meets up with Fidel Castro.
Organised by decade, chapters begin with a few opening remarks by Ali himself, and a spectacular sixteen-page photo insert captures The Champ in all his guises. With an introduction by Gerald Early, one of the finest contemporary writers on boxing, The Muhammad Ali Reader confirms Ali's standing as one of the most controversial and charismatic Americans of our time.
Author Gerald Early
Language English
Publication Date 2013
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