
Told, Untold, Retold: 23 Stories of Journeys through Time and Space

Sam Bardaoil and Till Fellrath

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Centred around the theme of storytelling, Told, Untold, Retold features newly commissioned works by 23 artists with roots in the Arab world, ranging from painting, drawing, and sculpture, to photography, video, and mixed-media installations. Through a comparative analysis of these works, the curators highlight a process of constant transmigration, resulting in a diversity of cultural and aesthetic references, and they advance the notion of ‘transmodernity’ as an alternative to the post-colonial paradigm of art theory. Of equal importance, they reflect on the artists’ recurrent usage of time as an integral compositional construct, expressed in a series of subversive confrontations indicative of the transient condition of our world.

Language English/Arabic
Publication date 2010
ISBN 978-8857-209-08-1