
Dadu School Programmes

Dadu provides interactive workshops and training programs for teachers and students, covering a range of subjects including language, literature, arts and sciences.

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Dadu workshops are linked to Qatar’s educational curricula for the kindergarten and primary levels. Our approach, based on learning through play and on social constructivist theory, takes into account multiple intelligence and learning styles. We also provide free educational content to teachers and parents to complement and support classroom learning.

Resources and Activity Booklets

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Colours from Nature

In this activity, children will learn about the sources of natural colors and how to extract them from different plants. They will also learn about the ways people used to make colors and how this process has evolved through the ages. They will also learn about the physical properties of wax and how it is recycled to make colored crayons.
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Happiness Manifesto

In this workshop, children will discuss and share a number of ideas that encourage them to focus on the positive, pleasant and joyful things in life. They will also be encouraged to focus on the concept of contentment and being thankful to the simplest blessings they have, then express and record their reflections through creating a creative medium called “zine”.
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Turtle-hatching Activity

In this activity, you will learn more about the hawksbill turtle that comes to Fuwairit Beach every year to lay their eggs and the threats that they face. Through hands-on craft, children will also learn about parts of a turtle as well as some of their unique features. Here at Dadu, we encourage a conservation ethos with a “head and heart and hand” approach, building a love for Qatar’s wonderful natural heritage, connecting children with nature, and encouraging children to take action to protect it.
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What is in our milk?

In collaboration with beloved Qatari agriculture and dairy giant Baladna, this activity will teach young participants about the different properties of milk and how changing certain properties can result in an entirely different product. At Dadu, we encourage open-ended play, sparking interest in scientific inquiry and observation skills.
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Qatar National Day Activity Journal

Join in creating an engaging Qatar National day activity journal with your family and friends, where you get to experience the Qatari heritage together. Not only will you become more connected to the Qatari culture, but you will also explore how people around the world share similar traditions. This is an incredible chance to embrace our global community and learn to appreciate the beautiful diversity that makes our world so wonderful.

Contact Us

For more information about our school programmes, contact daduschools@qm.org.qa.

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